These projects are based at the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.

Research activities suported by:

RPI - Richard Parker Initiative

SSHRC - The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

AREF - Alberta Real Estate Foundation

Imagination Lab Foundation

ii’tah’poo’to’p - Indigenous Strategy University of Calgary
Research Projects
AAP  - Aging and Place
ASF - Asocial Society and Form
CAD - Cross-Culture Approaches to Design
CDC - Co-Create Downtown Calgary
CRR - Calgary Ring Road
DSI - Downtown Stakeholder Inventory
DSM - Design Studio Matrix
GRC - Grass Roots Calgary
KX3 - Kingsland x Three
LAC - Language and the City
LTC - Letters to Council
SDL - Spatial Dimension of the Law
TUC - Tactical Urbanism Calgary
+15 - Plus 15 
1M+NXC - Downtown Calgary, One Million Feet at a Time

TALON - Teaching and Learning Online Network
PHE - Playful Hybrid Higher Education
TTL - Yellow Cube, Tactical Teaching and Learning