Building Culture
University of Calgary
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Spring 2022
PLAN 616 - This advanced studio is exploring contemporary themes in planning and professional planning practice. Centers on a real-world problem or client project; involves analysis, synthesis, and formulation of a planning or urban design solution.
It is run in conjunction with the theory course Urban Systems - ARCH 675.
Teaching Team
Hal Eagletail
Sven Kohlschmidt
Fabian Neuhaus
Vincent Yong (TA)
Studio Brief

Group A
-[The Whole Picture]-
#livingframes #exploreyyc

Our intervention brings emphasis to details that may otherwise be missed upon a visit to our site. Using the
language of social media, we bring direct attention to nuanced moments in the existing landscape; sensationalizing the ordinary and hinting at bigger things to come. It’s in these moments that we have found the inspiration that anchors the goals of our design proposal.

Through our frames we invite others to view segments of this landscape in isolation, free of the clutter omnipresent in this neighbourhood. We ask that each viewer reflect on what they see, how it makes them feel, and how this isolated moment fits within the site’s greater context. Later, we will draw upon these inputs in finalizing our design proposal, helping us to create a design that accommodates the perspectives of those invested in this site beyond our own design team...

We hope to discover what others see when they peer deeper into this urban landscape, bringing into frame the whole
COMMUNITY - A look at gathering spaces

PAST - A look to the communitie’s past

NATURE - A look at natural features

URBAN ENVIRONMENT - Complementary info

OURSELVES - A unique perspective of downtown and the mountains

Mia Leung
Oxana Lyashenko
Ben Dore
Sam Bowerman
Parnian Nazemzadeh
Aarshiya Khari
Lucia Blanco